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In the last article, we firstly talked about the Hurley stages of HS. In this article, we will look at hidradenitis suppurativa stage 2. To recap, HS, also known as acne inversa is a chronic skin disease that causes nodules called lesions to form on the skin. The condition can affect many parts of the body. However, the disease is most common in the following areas:
• underarms,
• groin,
• perianal area,
• buttocks
• under the breasts.
The lesions look like boils and can burst to expel pus with an unpleasant smell. As we previously said, doctors measure the disease progress with the Hurley stage 1-3 scale. With stage one being the mildest form of the disease. If you missed the post on Hurley stage 1, you can read it first here. Today we are talking about stage 2, moderate HS.

Stage 2 Hidradenitis Suppurativa

It certainly can be difficult to differentiate the stages, so we have included some hidradenitis suppurativa pictures. Stage 2 is characterised by recurrent lesions, scarring and tunnelling. Where in stage 1, lesions were singular or multiple, in stage 2 HS, lesions are recurrent. Recurrent lesions occur in places where old wounds have healed.

hidradenitis suppurativa stage 2 lesions, scarring and tunnelling

As the lesions heal, they can scar. Repeated scarring causes tunnelling or sinus tracts. Sinus tracts are tunnels that form under the skin after a wound like an abscess or cyst. The tunnel can contain a lot of exudate, and constantly drain.

Stage 2 can occur in the same places as stage 1, or new sites can appear. The goals of treatment are to prevent the spread of the disease from HS stage 2 to stage 3. And where possible, reduce scarring.

Diagnosis of Hidradenitis Suppurativa Stage 2

During an examination, doctors can determine HS from the signature scars and tunnelling. Where stage 1 is hard to detect because of single lesions, patterns are often missed. Visible scarring is evidence that the disease is recurrent. Thus, relevant information for your doctor to have.

HS is a progressive disease. This means that with time and without treatment, HS will likely worsen. So, you must, if you believe you may have HS, consult your doctor. Many people feel embarrassed by their symptoms, but there is no need to be. HS is not as previously thought a rare disease. And the most important thing is to get the treatment you need.

Treatment of Hidradenitis Suppurativa Stage 2

Hidradenitis Suppurativa Stage 2 treatment consultation

You must see a specialist for HS that is progressing. Your GP can certainly  refer you to a dermatologist. While there is no cure, there is medication available. Your consultant can help you decide if medication right for you.

Just like in stage 1, antibiotics can help clear infection. And either a warm or cold compress can be used to reduce inflammation. Where infection has become severe and will not drain on its own, a doctor can perform a small procedure. Proper wound care is essential to aid recovery. It will also prevent further infection.

Several lifestyle changes may be helpful. Wearing loose clothing can help prevent friction on active lesions. Losing weight if needed and quitting smoking may also help. Dietary changes may prevent some flare-ups. This is because some foods are thought to trigger HS.
If you have any concerns about infection or are planning to change your diet, consult your doctor.

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